About Us
The authors of this project (left to right as pictured above) are Felicity Morris, Joseph Willoughby, and Emily Niven. We are three students from the University of Liverpool’s School of Architecture. This thesis project was completed as part of our 5th Year as Masters of Architecture students. This website and our manual, What is Comfort? A Manual to Disrupt the ‘Norm’ of Domestic Architecture, showcase our own work and were created by us. We hope to continue this research in the future and look forward to updating the website as we go.
Our Acknowledgements
We would like to express our gratitude to our tutors Dr. Rosa Urbano Gutierrez and Johanna Muszbek, who have challenged our theories and process to guide us through a thesis we are passionate about. We thank them for the energy they have invested in our thesis project. We are also extremely grateful for the feedback and encouragement from the following critics: Professor Soumyen Bandyopadhyay, Ian Ritchie, and Neil Swanson. Their knowledge and guidance has been invaluable. Finally, we express our deepest appreciation to the University of Liverpool’s School of Architecture for supporting and funding our tools for research.