Restrictions on our patterns of behaviour go beyond room locations alone.
This section presents a three-bedroom, semi-detached house; a typology that can be seen replicated throughout the UK, housing a wide diversity of families, each having to adapt their lives to conform to its standardisations in different ways.
The division of rooms and spatial arrangement make it inflexible and disconnected, and the kitchen and bathroom are clear deductions of the decades old designs created for outdated stereotypes.
Restrictions on our patterns of behaviour go beyond room locations alone. The arrangement of components from power outlets and light switches to radiators and windows restrict the possibilities for scenarios outside of the original imagination of the architect or designer.
The skeleton of the home consists of many of the elements required for comfort; for instance, shelter, clean water, and electricity. Often, the organisation of our modern homes is dictated on paper before it even exists. Plans are submitted with standardised furniture placed precisely in accordance with window or power outlet positions.
The overlapping and multi-tasking, which occurs during the daily activities of occupants, is restricted by especially fixed rooms (kitchens and bathrooms). The following situation plans illustrate the cycle of disruption which happens in these prescriptive homes. We have learnt to live in overly prescribed environments that are just about bearable.